FAQ: Training when Sick
February 26, 2025How do I learn to eat on the bike?
As a coach, I get tons of great questions from athletes, and chances are, if you’re wondering about something, someone else is too. Here I share my answers to those common (and not-so-common) questions to help you train smarter, stay motivated, and reach your goals.
For some context, the athlete that asked me this question is relatively new to gravel racing and is training for the Spirit World 50 in the fall (which looks like an awesome event!!). She is riding Unbound Gravel 25 with a friend as a fun/training event.
She asked a question about fueling, which was twofold:
1). How do I learn how to eat while on the bike?
2). Will I even need to eat anything at Unbound, since it’s only 25 miles?
I’ll start with the second question, as it leads into the first. Yes, you will need fuel during Unbound – even the 25-mile version.
A rule of thumb is to fuel in any race or training session over 90 minutes of moderate/low intensity. However, if a session is shorter, but high intensity, you should plan to fuel. Using this athlete as an example, although she may finish in under 90 minutes, she certainly will be working hard, so fuel is a must to feel and perform at her best.
Ideally, athletes should aim to take in 30-60 grams of carbohydrate per hour. Some elite athletes work towards 90 grams per hour! For longer endurance events, carbs are still king, but a mix of macronutrients is helpful – the aminos in protein are important too.
Back to her first question – how to “train the gut.” She ate oatmeal on a training ride, and it didn’t sit well with her, which was the impetus for her question. And I’m so glad she asked! I love these convos to help athletes perform the best they can.
My recommendation was to stick with foods that she would realistically eat on the bike. So, oatmeal is out. But, Clif bar, picky bars, sandwiches, potatoes, or pretzels are in.
Pick one thing at a time to make it easier to rule something out. Start with small, regular nibbles, as opposed to an entire Uncrustables at once, and see how you feel. We have plenty of time to figure it out! Once we know what foods work, increase the quantity. The goal is to build tolerance.
She also needs to think about where to store fuel on the bike or in a pocket. I suggested a top tube bag for easy access – that has always worked well for me.
Finally, take notes. Journal the conditions of the training event, what you ate and how you felt. Your notes will help you start to put together the puzzle of what works and what does not.
What would you recommend to an athlete learning to eat on the bike? We are all unique, so there are no wrong answers!
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